Join us in our daily Bible reading. In five years time we will have read through the whole Bible. Once finished we'll start again! Don't worry about catching up, just start with this week's reading. Come to our Sunday service to unpack more wonderful Biblical truths in the section we are reading. If you miss the Sunday service, no problem. You can always catch up on our YouTube channel.

Weekly Reading Schedule

  • 2024-02-19 to 2024-02-25 2 John Chapters 1
  • 2024-02-26 to 2024-03-03 3 John Chapters 1
2 John

During the first two centuries A.D. the gospel was taken from place to place by traveling evangelists and teachers. Believers customarily took thes missionaries into their homes and gave them provisions for their journey when they left. Since Gnostic teachers are relied on this practise, 2 John was writtent to urge discernment in supporting traveling teachers.

3 John

Itinerant teachers sent out by John were rejected by Diotrephes, a dictorial leader in one of the churches in the province of Asia. This man had cone so far as to excommunicate members who showed hospitality to John's messangers.

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