We believe that there is but one true God, being the God of the Bible, the creator of all that is. He - though impossible for us to fully understand - exists as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God became a man, coming down from Heaven in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus came down to earth as the God-man for the express purpose of dying on a cross as a once for all sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, that He communicates the presence of Christ to every believer and that He helps every believer to become like Jesus.
We believe that Satan is a real being and that on this earth with him there are many other fallen angels - each having the purpose of bringing harm to people and keeping them from turning to God for the forgiveness of their sins.
We believe that all people - the young, the old, the unborn, the sick, and the disabled are of incredible value and uniquely special amongst God's created order. We also believe that all people are sinners - meaning that all are guilty of breaking God's laws. As long as a person is apart from a relationship with Jesus, they are in the frightening position of being an object of God's anger and in danger of Hell.
We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, resting solely upon one having asked Jesus to take away his or her sins and to be his or her Savior, constitutes the only way to Heaven. In His great love, God continues to make this amazing offer available.
We believe that Heaven and Hell are real places.
We believe that Jesus will soon return to this earth to gather to himself his followers and to judge all those who He finds in a state of rebellion against Him.
We believe in religious liberty. Every person has the right to practice and spread his or her beliefs.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it is entirely free from error and that the teachings of the Bible are incredibly relevant for our society today.